The following are questions posed for a research project with 2 of my peers, Megan Norris and Dawn Roy. Some of these questions are from their pages as well.

1.) What are the main companies in charge of school lunches in Southern New Jersey?

2.) How are we socialized to eat?

3.) What impact does the way developed countries consume food have on the world hunger crisis?

4.) What exactly is seed saving and why and when was it made illegal?

5.) How many companies is Monsanto actually affiliated with? Does it go by any other pseudo-names?

6.) What is the projected national cost of health care for obese patients come 2020?

7.) How drastically has the Farm bill impacted local farmers?

8.) How has the antibiotics used in meat affected the growth and development of children?

9.) With the current trend in "all natural" foods, how much is actually false advertising? Have any companies been sued for false advertising of their product?

10.) What is the current presidential cabinet doing

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