One of my group members suggested an article to me for my part of the project. It was from NPR news and can be found HERE.
     In it, the author talks about strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria that has been found in America's meat. In a random meat sampling, over 47% had traces of staphylococcus aureus. Basically, the strains they found would be very hard to get rid of if a person contracted it.There are more than 30 different strains of staph, and they cause "staph infections in people, including skin infections and food poisoning, according to the National Institutes of Health." These bacteria have been exposed to so much antibiotics while they were in the animal, that they have built up immunities to our antibiotics.
     This was an interesting article for me to read because a couple months ago one of my friends was in the hospital with a really bad staph infection. He was a young man, and very healthy, yet he still contracted a pretty bad staph infection on his leg. He visited the hospital numerous times, and they had to try a plethora of antibiotics on him until they found one that could clear up the infection. He wound up being alright, but it was a pretty intense battle. I wonder now, after reading this article, if it had anything to do with some meat he ate.